As a member of ALEH you can apply for scholarships to attend different congresses or academic activities related to hepatology.
Latest Scholarships

Learn about the experience of our scholarship recipients
It was an experience that significantly expanded my knowledge as a Fellow of Hepatology (...)

OCHSNER Scholarship – ALEH Mentorship Program 2019

OCHSNER Scholarship – ALEH Mentorship Program

OCHSNER Scholarship – ALEH Mentorship Program

3rd Scholarship: OCHSNER Scholarship – ALEH Mentorship Program 2019

Scholarship Master in Hepatology V Edition 2017 - 2018 University of Alcalá and Autonomous University of Madrid

1st Scholarship: OCHSNER Scholarship – ALEH Mentorship Program 2019

1st Scholarship: Master in Clinical Research. Specialty Liver Diseases University of Barcelona 2017-2018

2nd Scholarship: OCHSNER Scholarship – ALEH Mentorship Program 2019

Scholarship Master in Hepatology V Edition 2017 - 2018 University of Alcalá and Autonomous University of Madrid
Terms and Conditions
- Each scholarship offered by ALEH has its own requirements that must be met. These will be posted on the ALEH website and/or e-mailed as appropriate.
- Only those active members with a current membership can apply for ALEH scholarships.
- No applications or requests will be accepted outside of the established deadlines.
- Priority will be given to those members with the longest seniority and participation in ALEH, and whose country of origin is up to date in its membership with ALEH.
- Once the scholarship recipients are selected, they will be notified by email and posted on our website.
- Those who have not been benefited, can request a report if they consider it necessary.
- If you are a recipient of a scholarship and are unable to use it, please notify ALEH as soon as possible so that it can be reassigned.
- Individuals who fail to use a scholarship without giving notice are not eligible to apply for or receive another scholarship for a period of 3 years from the date of termination of the awarded scholarship.
- If there is any of the requirements that the candidate does not meet, but still wishes to apply, the candidate must inform ALEH so that their particular case can be evaluated.
- Upon completion of the course, diploma, convention, or activity for which you received a scholarship, you must notify ALEH of its conclusion and send a review about the experience.
- All applications, doubts or requests should be sent to the following e-mails: [email protected] or [email protected]