The Hepatocellular Carcinoma Interest Group is made up of doctors from the region with the goal of creating an academic space that involves multidisciplinary groups focused on the management of these patients and where local experiences can be shared multicenter data can be generated and clinical practice guidelines adapted to the Latin American reality can be developed.
We currently hold bimonthly working meetings where representatives from different countries participate (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, Ecuador, Peru) coordinating development activities. We are visualizing and planning to have representatives from all Latin American countries to improve the diagnosis and access to liver cancer treatments, as well as to favor research project structures in the region.
We invite colleagues from the rest of Latin America and the Caribbean involved in addressing this challenging disease to join and actively participate.
The role of the hepatologist in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma
In the following publication, we share our view regarding the role of the hepatologist in the management of hepatocellular carcinoma.
- To seek the integration between doctors from the region interested in hepatocarcinoma.
- To create academic discussion spaces where collaborative proposals arise to improve the care of these patients.
- To generate epidemiological data on liver cancer and the reality in care in different countries.
- To attempt to answer clinical research questions related to liver cancer.
- To adapt the managements guidelines and the global standards of care to the specific case of our region.
- To create spaces for continuing medical education.
- To contribute to the improvement in the care of patients with liver cancer.
- To increase the diagnosis and eliminate barriers to access to treatments.
- Participation in conferences and academic activities of ALEH.
- Encouragement of collaborative research on liver cancer in Latin America.
- Linkage of the interest group with other associations such as AASLD, EASL and ILCA.
- Coordination of continuous medical education activities (webinar format) on a regular basis (annual-biannual) for the dissemination of knowledge in the area.

Dr. Margarita Anders

Juan Ignacio Marín, MD
Dr. Aline Lopes Chagas
Coordinator of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology team of the Cancer Institute of the São Paulo State - HCFMUSP.
Coordinator of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology team of the "São Luiz Anália Franco – Rede D'Or Hospital".
Dr. Angelo Alves de Mattos
MD, MSc, PhD. Head Professor of the Postgraduate Program in Hepatology of the Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre.
Senior Doctor of the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Service of the Hospital Santa Casa de Misericordia Hospital in Porto Alegre.
Former President of the "Sociedade Brasileira de Hepatologia" (SBH).
Past-President of ALEH.
Dr. Enrique Carrera Estupiñan
Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Coordinator Committee of Hepatobiliary Injuries. Specialty Hospital "Eugenio Espejo" (Quito, Ecuador).
Teacher at the University of Quito "San Francisco".
Dr. Federico Piñero
MD, Msc, Phd, Hepatologist. Liver Unit and Academic Development Department. Austral University Hospital.
Dr. Pablo Coste
Head of Liver Service. National Hospital "Edgardo Rebagliati Martins".
Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, UNMSM.
Dr. Juan Ignacio Marín Z.
Internista-Hepatológo, Unidad de Hepatología y Trasplante de Hígado.
Hospital "Pablo Tobón Uribe" (Medellín, Colombia).
Dr. Margarita Anders
Hepatologist, Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Unit. Hospital "Alemán" (Buenos Aires, Argentina).
Dr. Pablo Coste
MD, MSc, PhD. Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology. National Liver Transplant Program, Hospital "R.A. Calderón Guardia", Costa Rica.